Christmas for Kids

About Kelsey's Christmas for Kids
Kelsey's Christmas for Kids was started by our middle daughter, Kelsey. She wanted to pack backpacks with warm blankets, food, and essentials needed and deliver them to the homeless for Christmas.
When we went to deliver the bags, her heart was broken, she noticed a bunch of kids playing outside the shelter and asked us if we would take the money we were going to use to get her gifts this year, and instead, purchase toys for the kids in the shelter. Santa for shelters was born.
On March 25, 2021 Kelsey, her unborn child, and her husband were tragically killed in a transfer truck accident We wanted to continue working her ministry in her memory so we have become, Kelsey's Christmas for kids.
We are a 501c3 organization helping children living in the shelter and foster homes receive a magical Christmas. We do not just provide gifts for the kids, we provide a true magical experience. We setup a Santa's workshop and spend weeks, shopping, sorting and wrapping gifts to deliver to the children living in the shelter.
We load up 2 box trucks with bikes, toys, clothes, snacks and much more and show up to 3 different shelters in North Ga and Chattanooga Tn along with old St Nick, himself!
We have a photographer come in and take pictures of the kids and their families with Santa and let each child open a gift with Santa. The parents then take the rest of the gifts to their room to open on Christmas. This experience is something the kids will remember for a long time.
The families in the shelter are going through the hardest times of their lives and our goal is to create a memory for them, that when they thought they were at their lowest, someone showed up and showed them the miracle of Christmas.
With the help of our dedicated volunteers and generous donors, we have been able to make a difference in the lives of countless children.
Together, we can create a brighter future and spread the true spirit of Christmas.

What We Do
Everyone Deserves a Good Christmas
When working with kids in the shelter at Christmas, their first question is, "how will Santa find me here?". With your help, these children are able to experience the magic of Christmas and feel Gods love for them.
How it Works?
The Gift of Giving
At Kelsey's Christmas for Kids we go and visit the local shelter. We have a dinner with the kids, make crafts and write letters to Santa. With this we reach out to the community to ask for help. We have a tree in our local Wal-Mart where you can choose a special child to shop for, and we take donations to order bigger items needed such as beds, food and transportation. We sort and wrap all the gifts and Santa delivers them to the families 2 days before Christmas. The kids in the shelter wait anxiously by the window to see Santa coming down the street to visit them.
At Kelsey's Christmas for Kids, we provide clothing, coats, shoes, toys and even beds to kids currently living in the shelter, foster care, or families that have struck hardships. We strive to put smiles on less fortunate kids and parents faces during the holidays. Not only does this organization help children experience Christmas Miracles, It takes stresses away during the holiday season for parents! Watching your littles face light up when they see their gifts is truly a miracle.